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Oil / Gas Infrastructure Survey and Surveillance

Direct Communication with Decision Makers

Manned aircraft equipped with remote sensing instruments offer flexibility in terms of deployment and data acquisition during threat events. They can be rapidly mobilized to survey specific areas of interest, providing real-time data for decision-making.

Anywhere, Anytime.



A2G Training


Photographs of the bay and beach areas showed visible oil sheens in the water and indications of oil deposits on the shorelines. The proximity of the spill to a marine protected area heightened concerns about potential environmental damage. Images captured of local wildlife were also analyzed to ascertain any oil contamination. Given the sensitive nature of the location, there were grave concerns about the long-term impacts on both the marine environment and wildlife in the region.

Recent taskings involving the Umnenga II oil tanker and the coastal areas of Port Elizabeth showcased A2G's effectiveness in airborne ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance). The objective here is to extend these services for ongoing or emergency situations involving oil spills.

The IR snapshots highlighted the ability to distinguish temperature differences between oil and water, aiding in leak detection.

Our Mission

Deliver effects-based solutions that equip our partners with essential real-time data for informed decision-making when and where they need it.


A Major Ecosystem and Economic Threat

An oil spill event occurred involving the tanker Umnenga II off the coast of the Addo Elephant National Park Marine Protected Area. A2G was asked to survey and report on the severity of the situation.

Anywhere, Anytime.

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